First Male student: Do you like music?
Me: Sure!
First Male student: Do you like rap?
Me: Mmmm, not really...mostly because I know a lot of it has bad language.
Second male student: Do you like country western?
Me: Yes, I grew up dancing to country western.
First Male student: I can teach you to dance rap. Wanna learn? (He is dancing)
Me: Nah, that's ok and how about sitting down in your chair.
Me: I am a really mean substitute and I will take up your test paper
if you talk while testing.
Male Student: No, you aren't are pretty.
Me: OK, I'm not mean but I will take up your test paper if you are talking!
Me: After everyone turns in their tests, y'all may talk QUIETLY till the bell.
Male Student: What do you consider "quiet"?
Me: Quiet enough that the teacher next door doesn't come in to see what the ruckus is about .
Male Student: OK, cool...
Good job! Sounds like they liked you... you were COOL and let them talk! *lol* Oh... and how about the compliment that "you were pretty"... and from a "younger" man no less! ;)
Fun to be a fly on THAT wall.
I absolutely loved my years of substituting (although a room full of second graders was much easier for me than the high schoolers!).
Laura, I had forgotten that you used to sub. The fact that I was administering a test and all the classes were advanced placement may have something to do with the llth graders seeming easier. Next week I sub lst grade and the following week, KDG. My goal is to sub at every grade
You're a brave woman :) Subbing can be a lot of fun, but around here it can also be very depressing.
Sandie...I cried most of the way home after my day with the second graders. So, yes, I do know it can be depressing and with my current life situation that didn't help any. HOWEVER, I continue onward knowing some classes will be better than others. One day at a time. :-)
Oh, you'll need your strength for this job, won't you?!?
Congrats on the subbing ... one of my dearest friends is a part-time sub and she loves it. Enjoy! :)
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