I took this picture today because it reminded me of a conversation John, Ana and I had yesterday. I want to record it here. We were sitting in the gazebo having a cuppa herbal tea, when I said,
"Often when I look down the creek, I think of Frodo & his companions. The green trees and creekbed seem like somewhere they would have explored."
John added, "Yea, it does. We should take a picture of the family walking down the creek. Let's see, who would we be?"
Then the three of us commenced upon discussing the character traits of various characters from LOTR, making the best match possible with family members. Here is what we came up with:
GANDALF-JOHN He nominated himself because he is oldest. When I reminded him I'm two months older well, he still wanted to be Gandalf. He is taller than me and Gandalf was tall so it seemed a suitable match.
SAM-SUSAN Well, our names do start with the same letter. Actually, this was Ana's suggestion as I like to cook, as did Sam. According to Ana, I am sweet and loyal like Sam.
GALADRIAL-ANA I nominated Ana for this position because she likes the fairy people, she is very spiritual and pretty like Galadrial. She didn't feel she was wise enough for the role but I assured her it was a good match.
ARWEN-NICOLE I nominated Nicole for this because I thought of Arwen's dramatic words about "There is still hope" and I could easily hear Nicole say that. Plus, she often has a love interest and always wants to be in the middle of activity.
LEGOLAS-NATHAN Well, first off Nathan sort of looks like Legolas. He is tall and blond. He is also quiet like Legolas and very observant.
MERRY-CHRISTY The name is so Christy....she is Merry! She is the shortest of us so hobbit stature befits her.
PIPPIN-WELBY Our little Sheltie is Pippin because she loves to eat ANYTIME.
GOLLUM-CALI Our cat is "Gollum", after some protest by me, because she is friendly sometimes and not friendly other times, she also can climb very well and sneak up on people.
So that is the backstory to today's photo selection. THE END.
Once in a trio of friends I was "named" as Sam. The other two were "named" as Bilbo and Frodo.
At first I felt Sam was lackluster compared to Frodo and Bilbo but then they reminded me what a great character Sam truly was. He, like me, was often viewed as a background character. But he aided and supported his friends.
As unglamorous as that sounds, that is where I love to be. My friends are better at being out front. :-)
So I am happy being Sam.
Lisa, I knew we were kindred spirits. :-) Thanks for sharing the Sam story! I like being Sam too.
My nickname in high school was Sam, but it didn't have anything to do with LOTR--which I must admit I still don't really understand. :) But I went by Sam for all three years in high school. So... :)
At first that picture reminded me of that little creek in Arkansas that we use to drive across when we were little! Then I realized it was behind your house!! *lol*
I never saw the Lord Of The Rings, so I will just have to trust that ya'll picked the right characters! :)
Check out my "Green Color" thingy on my site... you may have already done it, but it was the 1st time I ever have. I actually found it while checking out Ana's page!
I like the picture and the background story!!!
I haven't had much time to comment lately, but I wanted to also tell you how much I have enjoyed the last few shots! Especially the one of Christy and the flowers! That one is really special!
Fun conversation! I wonder who we would be..... ;)
Love this story and seeing a picture of the view that prompted it! Our family has picked out characters, too.
Sam is my favorite character in LOTR... faithful and perservering. So you got a good one!
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