Art teachers from several universities in the central Texas area had a show today of their work, as well as the work of a "protege". Ana was asked by her printmaking professor to show a couple of her pieces. We were very happy that Ana was asked to be a part of this event! It was held at the Civic Arts Center and was super nice; music, canapes and lots of great artwork to enjoy!
Ana and John, her professor. It was nice to meet John and to hear all his compliments about Ana's enthusiasm for life and her artistic talent. I agreed with everything he said. haha
I am sorry that I didn't have the time to figure out lighting and whatnot, thus Ana's two pieces do not show up well. They are the two with the black frames and she used various printmaking techniques for the paper, then sketched fantasy figures and notes about their world on top of the paper. So you got to see a work in progress. It was really cool!!
Ana, how wonderful! You are quite the talented young artist--it's a BIG deal girlfriend! I'm so proud of you! Susan, take close ups of the pictures and send them to us. I want to SEE!
Good for Ana! I envy anyone with an ounce of artistic talent.
I enjoyed catching up on your photos from the past week, Susan...But I keep getting confused when I see a post from "colleen" and have to read it before realizing it's not me! ;-)
I wish we could see her pictures. What a compliment. Pass on our congrats to her. Maybe you can bring copies of some of her work to the retreat?
Thanks everyone! I'm going back to the art gallery before the show is over...will be up two weeks...and get some clearer photos of these two pieces! Then I'll replace this fuzzy one with the clear ones.
Paula, I won't be able to make the retreat this year but I will post some of her artwork on the photoblog before the year is over.
Congrats to Ana and her proud Momma!
Very cool, Susan. Congrats to Ana. I look forward to seeing the new photos you take and am missing your presence over at LP and don't go thinking I am the only one.
Let's have a close-up soon, if Ana is okay with it. Congrats to her!
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