This is the view that greeted me when I arose Saturday morning. I made my way down to the dock to take a photo. This is not the is a reflection of the sky on the lake.
Our dock is rather weathered but it's perfect for sunbathing, diving in the water, dangling your feet in the water, fishing and birdwatching. The water is a dark greenish blue and deep.
My sister threw a handful of crackers into the lake and these gull birds swooped and squawked and dived for their breakfast. It was an incredible sight.
Feeding Frenzy!
Our beloved rustic lakehouse. My inlaws purchased the lakehouse and guesthouse 26 years ago. It sleeps 13 easily but we have had 25 folks here before. Some sleep outside on the boat deck, some on the patio. We have had family reunions, friend getaways, family vacations and Sister Retreats here. Amazingly, I've never been to the lakehouse alone. I think it's about time to do that.
My inlaws home, next door to the lakehouse. They built this house 10 years ago when they retired to the lake permanently. The upper story porch is the best place to catch the breeze on a hot summer day. I like the reflection of the house in the water.
A view from the back of the property, taking in the boathouse dock, patio, lake and corner of the lakehouse. It's a sad view. Two years ago those condos you see were not there. The view was solid trees and often deer or cattle would come to the water's edge to drink. Two years ago the land was purchased, a golf course was built. Condos and lakehouses sprouted like weeds. I still haven't gotten over it.
Sunset on Lake LBJ. The LBJ stands for Lyndon Baine Johnson.
Sis and I ended our lovely day in front of a roaring fire!
They aren't all loading for me, and I had that trouble with Natalia's too. I'm not sure if multiple pictures is the issue, or what. But let me say, of the ones that downloaded for me, that first one with the clouds in the water is amazing! I can't believe that's a reflection!
Hmmm, Beth, I don't know what the problem is. They all download for me. The cloud one is my favorite. I wish you could see the birds.
If anyone else has this problem, let me know. I'll see if computer savvy hubby has any ideas about what to do.
Those are all magnificent -- I love lakehouses and the escape from the rush of life that they provide. Does your family taken rental requests?? ;-)
- Matt
Oh wow! They all download for me no problem.
Your camera seems to suddenly take better pics. Did you switch it? These are stunning. Love the diving bird into the water. Great action shot.
I can't believe the water reflection photo. And I love the deck and water shot.
Have a restorative time.
Hey Julie,
Thanks. Same camera. It works much better with outside light. Also, since I was on "retreat", I had time to take a lot of pictures. I just kept snapping as the birds landed on the water. I was unsure what I would end up with but hoped sheer quantity would produce a couple of good ones.
O my gosh, I'm ready for another visit! The reflection is awesome,and I too love the birds. Looks like you had a wonderful time!
Susan, what a wonderful place you have there at the lakehouse. Thank you for sharing the pictures. I can see why it is such a special place for your family.
Love this peek into life at the lake house. Your photos really are developing (pardon the pun) into something special, Susan. The top picture is incredible. At first I couldn't figure out the angle ~ looks like it's taken from a plane, looking down on the clouds. What a shot. And I like the next one down a lot, too ~ just the edge of that rustic dock.
I haven't taken one usable action shot yet. I guess I need to try your approach and just snap a lot of shots, hoping one works.
I love all of them Susan. My favorite is the feeding frenzy of the birds. Great action shot! And that is the ticket - take tons of pictures. :-)
It is so fun to actually see this place after hearing about it for years! Now I can picture it! That one of the cloud reflection is just great... well, all of them are. I really enjoyed this series.
P.S. It does take time to take good photos (at least it does me). Glad the pace was more leisurely this weekend.
Oh, I love, love, love the clouds in the lake picture!!
I'm so happy you shared these photos with us. For years, I've tried to envision what your lakehouse looked like and it's wonderful. Doesn't look too rustic for me... in fact, it looks like a very large version of the cabin we stay in when we go to Peaks Island. I definitely think you should go on a personal retreat there. It looks like a very meditative place if you can get over the fact that the new condos are where they are.
These are really wonderful. It looks like such a peaceful place. The photos are beautiful!!!!
Loved the pics and Lake LBJ. Thanks for sharing. I feel the same about my lakehouse in Granite Shoals. Ahhhh Can't wait to get back there.
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