Sunday, March 25, 2007


Ten days ago, I posted a photo of the first Lady Bankston roses just beginning to open. What a difference ten days makes!
These roses climb into trees. I could trim the vines back but I like the way they cover everything in yellow for a few weeks. They have yet to reach their full cascading glory, so I may post another photo when they are at their most expansive point!


Donetta said...

That is a really good picture! I just LOVE your backyard. I think I would spend hours out there too! You can add me to your page, and I would like to add you, I'm just not sure how yet... but I will figure it out! :)

Sheila Conner said...

Absolutely glorious...ok so what's your favorite time of year? I'll have to come when you're in full bloom and take pictures! :)

SUSAN said...

Donetta, click on "Customize" bar...and there will be a section to add blog friends, or something like that.

Sheila, hard question. I love the yellow roses but the pecan trees aren't leafed out yet. I think the backyard is probably prettiest late spring, early summer because the trees are a huge canopy of shade. There aren't as many flowers naturally blooming but I usually have a lot planted...especially around the gazebo.


Ampersand said...

Oh my...word...gorgeous.

LauraLiz said...

I'd like to see these in person, but I'm so glad you shared them here!

Paula said...
